Thursday, October 15, 2009
Funny Story?
Ever hear the term "Old Fart"? Well I think I have officially become one. It seems my body is producing a abundance of gas and it becomes apparent at all the wrong times. I work in an office with other people around all the time. For the past several days, I am almost afraid to leave my own office and walk to the copy machine or any place. "Toot... Toot... Toot" as I walk past other offices. Embarassing.
Oh well. You can now have a great day knowing you don't have that problem.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Embryonic Stem Cell Research
"The Guidelines are based on the principles that responsible research with human embryonic stem cells has the potential to improve our understanding of human biology and aid in the discovery of new ways to prevent and treat illness, and that individuals donating embryos for research purposes should do so freely, with voluntary and informed consent. These Guidelines will ensure that NIH-funded research adheres to the highest ethical standards."
Now all that sounds good, right? Phases like "responsible research," "discovery of new ways to prevent and treat illness," "donating... freely, with volunary and informed consent," and "highest ethical standards" all sound pretty noble and important.
This was not covered on any news I heard. With all the debate on "health care reform" and "cash for clunkers" no one was watching. Shame on us!
My only question is: Who speaks on behalf of the embryos? When is their free, voluntary and informed consent solicited and documented?
Besides all the moral problems, check out this article in Forbes:
Woe unto us when we call "evil" "good." Now that we have our foot in the door, what's the next step?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Comments on Health Care Bill
The wording in the current health care bill is a slap in the face of the “silent” or “greatest” generation – the generation that lived through the depression, fought in World War II, sacrificed so much during the war, raised the “baby boom” generation (the largest ever in history), and contributed to one of the greatest periods of economic growth in human history. They have been missionaries, evangelists and, ambassadors. Many have had to give up even more due to “rebounding” children – grown children who fail at jobs, marriage, life and return home to get a second start. Now the health care fix is being placed squarely on their backs and on the backs of their children. I noted the limitations of health care in England once you are 59 (the Baby Boomers are already entering the age of restrictions). The Baby Boomers are beginning to get the idea that we need to apologize for ever being born because we are going to cause so much trouble. We will be second in line to be denied by-pass or cancer surgery. In August many in Congress are holding "town meetings." When you check their websites, however, attendance is by invitation only. So they don't really want to know what we think unless they think we think like they think???
In spite of how bad the existing bill is, I think there is a bigger issue. The common denominator in all the discussions is the government: the government grants treatments, sets the rates, controls prices, sets the rules, denies treatments, etc. God establishes governments to protect its citizens. To the extent government fails to protect the citizens but instead causes harm (dictates who can live and who must die) then such a government is no longer “under God.” Those with health issues become slaves of the healthy and those who have unrestricted health care. Such a nation cannot long endure on the face of the earth. The founding fathers warned us this time would come if we let Congress pass bills that they were not subject to. Our Congress today continually passes bills that do not apply to themselves even though they apply to everyone else.
But there is yet still a bigger issue: Whether we have “universal health care” or not is not the biggest issue. The bigger issue is: Does this nation really “In God We Trust?” More and more it appears we are putting our trust in the government, Hollywood, famous personalities, rich people, money, anything or anyone but God. I note the Australians are becoming the dominant power in international sporting events and they have “universal health care” and are an overtly Christian nation. I think the biggest need in our nation is a national revival toward God. Until that happens, we will continue to have confused leaders and self-destructive national laws. The spirit of confusion on our leaders today comes directly from God as we drift farther from Him.
Look at the “Cash for Junkers” program. It has been called an overwhelming “success.” A billion $$’s were spent in just a few days. Now Congress is trying to add $2B more. But where did the money go. Much of it went to buyers who bought cars manufactured in other countries. So we transferred much of the first $1B to Japan, Germany, and Korea. Some car new inventories were reduced but this is not a sustainable approach to recovery of the American auto industry. Calling it a “success” is the same kind of confused evaluation we have seen to nearly everything the government is doing right now. The only industry that is getting a long term benefit is the car-loans companies. But maybe not: they will be getting payments and interest for 4 to 7 years from people who were driving junkers, possibly because that's all they could afford. Does this at all sound like the housing crisis that supposedly started the recession in the first place?
See you at the Town Meeting near you.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Is This a Sign of Old Age?
- Worked much later than normal
- Had trouble getting back into the office after some meetings due to security
- Had to drive to Orlando
- Ate a really terrible McDonald's Angus burger, ick!
- Had to follow the Garmen GPS all the way, because I had no idea where the airport was, and it was dark, so I really didn't know were I was going except for the compass on the rear view mirror
- Had to pay a lot of tolls because the GPS routed me over every toll road it could find. mmm...
- Finally found Kathi, looking lovely as usual
- Went back by following the signs to I-4 rather than the toll roads, a little farther but a whole lot cheaper
- Kathi tried to update me about her whole trip, I may have remembered some of it
- We got home at almost 1:00 a.m.
- I unloaded Kathi's bags out of the car
- Went to bed
- Got up at 5:45 a.m.
Okay, except for the going to bed, everything else was pretty much not a normal weeknight activity. So why is all this significant? Well I'm glad you asked. When I got into the garage to go to work this moring, the car wouldn't start. After what seems like hours of investigation, I found I had left the tail gate open and the lights stayed on all night (about 6 hours) and drained the battery. Now I couldn't get to work, had to call and reschedule a meeting, etc. Fortunately, AAA was there in about 15 minutes, so I was only late for work by about 10 min. Usually I try to get there 30 minutes early just in case.
So here's the question? Does forgetfulness come from old age, fatigue or is that just who I am? You decide.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Was This a God Thing?
Love, Steve
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Presidential Priorities
On June 4 he declared Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, 2009.
Let's see... a day for continuing education of our children and a month celebrating the accomplishments of those living in open sin. Does anyone besides me see anything wrong with this picture?
I guess we know where a lot of his campaign contributions came from. Here's some lemon-aid for you: At least we know the President is loyal to those who bought him into office. Just like he used the Federal government to buy car companies so he could give them to the unions.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
It was a great adventure.
- I found a new first edition book at Needs Anonymous in Webster which I read and passed on to Michael.
- Got to visit with Carissa and her family two times. (wow are the older three growing!). They are pretty settled in their home in MN and enjoying watching their garden grow and other projects around the house. We got to talk about their hopes for the future and about the Word of God, specifically some verses in Revelations.
- Got to visit with Heather and her boy friend Charlie. Charlie's dog Bella is a clown, she waited outside the bathroom door then barked at me when I came out. Heather's dog Riley was as happy as ever.
- Got to see Charlie's team win a soft ball game. Turns out they won the tournament, too. They are a good hitting team and have great defense, turning double plays often.
- Got to visit with old friends Marc and Carole and Ann and Paul. Marc had a near death experience earlier this year when his heart stopped for a while. But he is doing great now.
- Gas was about 20 cents cheaper in MN than it is in FL.
Every time I go to SD, I fantasize what it would be like to have a shop in Webster. Maybe a Christian book store, music store, coffee shop, place to discuss issues of the day. There is a store front for sale in downtown... hmmmm? I once had that same fantacy about Sequim, WA. Not long after someone else opened the exact same shop there.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Best Laid Plans...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Watch the Frogs
The Irony of Iran
So what is the issue: the existence and tactics of the paramilitary organization that enforces the dictates of the Islamic theocracy on the people.
It's not about their religion (90% have the same religion), it's not about the economy (40% are out of work), it's about who controls the power, who controls the internal "security" force.
So meanwhile, back in the USA, some in the democratic party have been talking about creating an internal "security" organization that would prevent "right wing extremists" from performing terrorist activities.
Who's a right-wing extremist? Anyone who calls good "good" and evil "evil" is labeled an extremist and would be subjected to surveillance and arrest or worse by this new "security" force. Anyone who speaks out against the dictates of the party or persons in power.
Does that not sound a little like what the people in Iran are struggling to stop? Is that not ironic, if not completely crazy? Could we descend any further from the founding principles of this great nation?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What every happened to good old American inginuity?
Monday, June 8, 2009
Health Insurance Poll
It goes without saying that everybody wants the best possible medical treatment to be available and affordable. You've heard the cry: "quality, affordable health insurance for everyone."
The questions were all double-edged or vague, however, so I had to answer "no" to most of them. The poll seemed to be trying to get me to say I was in favor of raising taxes on individuals and businesses and having the government control of medical insurance and services for everyone.
That's the same government that says it okay to kill unborn children, even children partially born, while on the other hand saying you can go to jail for disturbing a swallow's nest. Somehow, I just couldn't trust that kind of a government with medical decisions for my loved ones.
At the end they asked me if it would be okay to have someone from the "news media" interview me about my responses. Of course I said "no." Ummm, makes me wonder, am I on one of those "watch lists" because of my recent quips?
Why is it "health insurance" anyway. They are not insuring our health, are they? We are paying premiums so they will pay for our needed medical care. Shouldn't it be called "medical insurance?"
Movie Mania
Oh, I forgot in the movie, there are aliens trying to destroy our planet! No big problem, though, since everyone eats synthicized food, they can focus entirely on stopping the aliens. I know I always think better when I eat artificial food.
We saw Terminator Salvation last night. The savior of humanity is named John Connor. Note the initials. However, the real savior was someone else who gave his heart to save John Connor. This hero was a murderer who suddenly became a protector. They kept talking about second chances. But that's it though, no third chance!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Quotes and Quips?
Our President's campaign promises are like a mirage in the dessert. They look hopeful in the distance, but as you get near, they vanish. Maybe he should stop making promises.
Some think God in the Bible and Allah in the Koran are the same. God is the god of gods, king of kings, prince of peace. Allah is the god of the moon. I guess that's why our President thinks they are the same.
Companies like Boeing increase or decrease the number of employees as their plane sales increase or decrease. It is a normal part of their business. When a goverment's revenues decrease, you would think the world came to an end when they were forced into a staff reduction. They feel they are successful when they eliminate vacant positions, not real jobs. I guess that explains why our President and Congress are so determined to make more government jobs.
This morning as I was driving to work, my trip was delayed by a crash blocking the right lane: a small car was crushed under a jack-knifed truck. It made me cry out to God in tears for the person in the car. Then I realized our government wants us all to be driving in the tiniest possible cars. I only have a limited supply of tears and I definately don't want my kids driving in the smallest possible cars. One did, and it nearly killed her. Now she drives a Suburban. You go girl!
On a happier note, it is raining about an inch a day in Florida. Finally, the draught is not front page news. Some Floridians should spend some time in Arizona. They are delighted with an inch a month!.
Our Governor lost his approval rating with the "Green Folks" this week. He signed a bill making development easier in some Florida communities. That bill could create more jobs and more revenue so there is money to spend on Green Projects. The "Green Folks" should spend a few days in Haiti to see how "green" cities are when no one has a job.
Let me know if these amuse or abuse.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Afternoon on Ana Maria Island
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Fishing on the Gulf
I only got sick twice.
Here I am catching a "big" shark. Actually, it was about 2 feet long. It put up a pretty good fight though. I caught a lot of little fish call red groupers that we had to through back because they were too small. Alan and also caught some Key West Snappers. They are also small fish, no pictures of them. Alan hooked two sharks, but didn't land any. You will have to ask him about the story.
Here is Alan holding the two king fish he caught. If you click on the video clip below, you can see that Alan was a little disappointed with his catch. :-)
Here is Alan catching a really big one. He pulled and pulled, but it got away. Actually this happened a lot. We were hooking the coral reef or the little fish were pulling the lines into the coral. Eventually the line broke.
Friday, May 22, 2009

The wedding was a success! We had so much fun. I loved every minute of it. Joel wrote me the most beautiful song. I love him so much! Having all the family together was fun. Dad and I had an awesome dance to My Girl. There are quite a few pictures on facebook of the whole day. This is one of my favorites. The photgrapher was so amazing! I can't wait to see the rest. Also the video.
Steve's Weight .... Update

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Florida Economy from Where I Sit
I work for a national consultant engineering firm. Over the past few years the firm has won some very large projects, many in excess of $5,000,000 per year in fees. I am working on one such project as a Project Manager for about 56 specific projects. I know that sounds like a lot but many of them are pretty small.
The Impacts of the Economy:
Over the past few months the client has learned that their revenue to pay for the program our firm is managing has declined significantly due to lower property, sales and gas taxes. They were planning to purchase bonds to build about $500M in new projects. Earlier this year they learned that their bond rating was lowered, increasing their interest rates, lowering the amount they can borrow. Now the county is considering a 25% reduction in county staff. They are also considering a major reduction to the program we are managing. So in addition to 25% staffing layoffs, the county may be terminating or scaling back our contract.
A neighboring County is considering similar program and staffing cuts.
The Grace of Our God:
While all this is happening, the client is also considering increasing the program budget and accelerating the projects I am managing. And the client has expressed desire to keep me working on the program even if the existing contract is terminated or cut back. All around me people are worried about their jobs. We had an emergency staff meeting a couple weeks ago and everyone was afraid there would an announcement about more staffing cuts. A similar meeting was held in February where 2 people from my office were let go. This meeting was about our color copying bill – it was too high! I, on the other hand, am wondering whether I will be able to keep up with the work I have and that appears to be coming my way.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Rain, Rain DON'T Go Away
Up until this week, we had gone over 30 days without rain and all everybody could talk about was the drought. I know - 30 days doesn't seem
This week, it started raining again. These are some pictures from my commute Thursday evening. This was the third straight raining homeward commute.
I missed taking pictures of the double rainbows Wednesday evening because the camera was in the back seat in the comptuer bag.
Last night the rain was not severe and there was sunshine beaming through the clouds. Also the wipers are almost new so there are very few streaks. Actually it didn't rain hard enough to get all the bugs off the window. You can also see from the pictures that the traffic is not too bad. That is because I was slightly ahead of the rush hour and because my commute is almost always free flowing, at least for the last 20 miles.
I am sure that was about as interesting as a cup of hot water instead of coffee... but that's a whole other story.
May your rain be the good kind that brings clean air, green grass and lots of blooming flowers.
Steve's Weight-Loss Update

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Mary & Joel Wedding Pictures
Mary and Joel have not seen them yet. They won't be back from their honeymoon cruise until Sunday morning. I doubt that they are paying for Internet access on the ship, but I may be wrong.
I have not seen them yet because Facebook is blocked out on our Internet at work.
Uncle John Cacavas
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Aaron Hall Wins Concerto Competition

By SARAH ARNEY Marysville Globe Arts & Leisure May 05 2009, 2:07 PM · UPDATED
- Steve
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Mystery Revealed?

Steve's Weight Loss Update
Since the graph only has one day on it, I decided not to put it on the Blog yet, maybe the actual weight curve (7-day moving average) will be visible by Friday.
May all your goal updates be full of promise!
- Steve
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mary & Joel's Wedding
We wanted to make the canopy over the stage higher, but could block the view of the screen. Joel's brother in law prepared a DVD of pictures of Mary and Joel growing up. It was very nice!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wedding Is Getting Close
Of course Kathi and Mary and others have been hyper engaged for the past few months. I have mainly been a cheer leader.
And you wouldn't believe the number of boxes that arrive daily. Some for Kathi for the wedding decorations. Some for mary for gifts for her bride's maids. And some for Mary and Joel for wedding gifts. I have tossed dozens of boxes over the past few weeks.
Mary's friend Kerry arrived a couple days ago so she has been helping Mary a lot and spending time at the beach. The beach on Anna Maria Island is very nice and not many people this time of the year.
Joel is busy at work, I guess they are making him get two week of work done so he can take off next week for the honeymoon.
Well, enough!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Face Book Experience
Thanks to former boss and co-worker Duane who now lives in Arizona for being the tipping point to get me started.
I sent out a couple other friend invitations. Mainly to family but one to a former member of the Olympia High School band from the class of 1965.
Another thing I did was link the family blogs to the face book "wall." We're all tied together.
Well got to go.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Another Talented Bahler

Friday, May 1, 2009
Steve's Weight Loss Update

This week Kathi is starting us on a new belly bluge busting diet. It starts with drinking water mixed with cucumbers and some spices. Tastes kind of funny but its only for four days. If it helps reduce "gas" I will be happy.
Starting in a week or two, I will readjust the graph starting from where I am now and moving forward to reaching the ultimate goal of weighing about 175 or so.
May you accomplish all your glorious goals with gayety.
Friday, April 24, 2009
More Signal Box Art
Tampa Signal Box Art
Here are some examples from picures I took about a week ago when I first discoved these outdoor treasures.
Steve's Weekly Weight Loss Update

Last night I "watched" Mary and Joel excercise to the "mother of all workouts." I don't suppose I can burn caleries by ozmosis?
Tonight is Joel's "man shower." Sounds like it is going to be mainly eating! I am hoping I am over the cold enough to were I can get back to running a little.
Anyway, is that enough excuses for today? If not, I can probably think of some more.
May you overcome your excuses with a no matter what attitude.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Signs of the Times
I was headed to the shoe repair shop to see if they could re-attach the sole of one of my shoes (not the ones I'm wearing today thankfully). After I asked the Middle Eastern shop keeper if he could fix the shoe, I commented that it is not good to be soul-less. I am not sure he caught my pun. First he said the shoe would be ready tomorrow. After I paid the $10, he said they would be ready in 2 weeks! I guess he did have a sense of humor, at least I think he did. We'll see tomorrow.
As I walked to the shoe repair store, a person ahead of me stopped at a used book store display. It was like it just drew her in, like a huge magnet. On they way back I saw a jewelry store that said "sale" on the window. So I went in to see if there were any "on sale" wedding bands. The one Mary got Joel on E-Bay did not pass Joel's muster. They had some rings for 60% off! A couple of them might have been just was Joel wants. Anyway, I'll pass the information on to Mary for her consideration.
So I guess the moral is, peolple are looking to save money and I am not sure if my sense of humor works for Middle Eastern shop keepers. But who really knows if my sense of humor works for anyone or if they laugh just to be polite because I get this "did you get it" look on my face!
May all your deals be good deals! - Steve
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Are Blogs the New American Media?
That brings us to Blogs and other personal web sites. Blogs, at least the Blogs I am following, are chronicaling the every day lives, trials, dreams and hopes of real peole. They are generally unfiltered by others with different "agendas." They are unfettered with political correctness or ideology. They offer a window into the lives of those around us.
Some websites such as Face Book have potential, but can become tools for those with agendas to try to influence others for good or bad. Blogs seem to be the "grass roots" media of the 21st Century. Look for truth where you find it and hold onto it with all your strength.
Thanks for listening.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ed Freeman
Hello, my grandpa Blanchard sent this to us...I thought it was a cool story. Hope you like it!
Ed Freeman
You're a 19 year old kid. You're critically wounded, and dying in the jungle in the Ia Drang Valley, 11-14-1965, LZ X-ray, Vietnam . Your infantry unit is outnumbered 8 - 1, and the enemy fire is so intense, from 100 or 200 yards away, that your own Infantry Commander has ordered the MediVac helicopters to stop coming in.
You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns, and you know you're not getting out. Your family is 1/2 way around the world, 12,000 miles away, and you'll never see them again. As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day. Then, over the machine gun noise, you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter, and you look up to see an un-armed Huey, but it doesn't seem real, because no Medi-Vac markings are on it.
Ed Freeman is coming for you. He's not Medi-Vac, so it's not his job, but he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire, after the Medi-Vacs were ordered not to come.. He's coming anyway.
And he drops it in, and sits there in the machine gun fire, as they load 2 or 3 of you on board.
Then he flies you up and out through the gunfire, to the Doctors and Nurses. And, he kept coming back.... 13 more times..... And took about 30 of you and your buddies out, who would never have gotten out.
Medal of Honor Recipient, Ed Freeman, died last Wednesday at the age of 80, in Boise, ID......May God rest his soul.....
I bet you didn't hear about this hero's passing, but we sure were told a whole bunch about some Hip-Hop Coward beating the crap out of his "girlfriend."
Medal of Honor Winner Ed Freeman!
Shame on the American Media
2009 - The Year of Weight Loss
Greek Easter family celebrations are highlighted by continuous eating. We arrived at about 5:00 p.m. and left around 8:00 or so. We were eating the entire time. Which maybe explains why all the Greek relatives were tryng to lose weight!
Love, Steve
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I finally figured this out!!
It is 21 days till the big Wedding day and I can't believe the time went by so fast. I got my dress altered last week and I think its going to look really nice. My mom is decorating as much right now as possible so she will have less to do the days leading up to the wedding. Its all coming together slowly. I even made up a dance for the father daughter dance at the reception that I taught dad.
Some people keep asking me if I'm getting stressed out yet? So far I'm not. There are things I'm wondering how its going to get done, but I'm trying to stay calm and not worry too much.
I'm also starting to pack my stuff and slowly move to Joel's condo. That is weird!
Thats all for now.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Blog Quarterly Report
Going Well:
- The links allow us to jump to other family member blogs easily to read and provide comments;
- The prayer requests on Avails Much have generally been answered to our great joy as God shows Himself to be true to His Word;
- Some family members are reading the blogs regularly and even providing comments and encouragement;
- Several business associates are reading Meleconomic Encouragement and encouraging me to continue;
- Several others are providing posts, particularly for Meleconomic Encouragement;
- The weekly weight loss reports have kept me focused on my goals there; and,
- Appartently we have few (very small number) at this point of readers who stumbled onto the site without being invited, and one has provided a comment.
What has failed to meet my expections:
- We are getting very few posts from familiy members. I had hoped this could become kind of a family blog to share what's happening with our family scattered as it is. But it is hard to compete with Face Book for that, I guess.
- We have not yet started any "family projects" which I had envisioned would be creative multi-media works we could share on the Blog. The small exception to this are the several motivational posts on Meleconomic Encouragement.
- It has not been as easy as it should be for my mom and some other family members to access the blogs regularly.
Well, I guess I need to make a "GRAM" and get going on a project or two myself. If you don't know what GRAM is, check Meleconomic Encouragement and scroll down through the historical posts until you find it. It is a quick read!
Steve's Weekly Weight Loss Update

This morning the scale tipped at 204. It is exciting to realize that I am one pound from reaching the 20-pound milestone. It is also exciting to reallize that this morning, my belt went on two notches shorter and has been varying back and forth between one and two notches shorter for the past few weeks.
May you accomplish all your milestones on your journey from day to day.
Love, Steve
Friday, April 10, 2009
Steve's Weight Loss Update