Good news and bad news. First the good news, in the past week or so, my morning weight has been down to 213 two or three times. That is a full 10-pounds below my weight for the past year. Bad news is that there is a little side drift to the 7-day moving average graph at right. Didn't get as much running and walking in as I should and ate a little more than normal with company in town. This Saturday moring is the Gasporilla 5k run in Tampa. This will be my first test.
To put this into perspective, in high school I weighed about 140 pounds, not much more in college. (Don't worry ladies, I am not trying to get back down to 140 pounds, maybe 175 or so!) I could run a long way at that time, I could lift over 100 pounds over my head and do deep-knee bends with over 200 pounds on my shoulders. I was in pretty good shape, except when my back hurt (but that's a whole other story). So at 213, it is like I am running with about 60 pounds on my back. That's quite a load. My hope is still to finish the 5k in under 30 minutes, but that may not be entirely realistic. I have not done it in practice yet. But the run should be fun. Thousands have signed-up for it, maybe 5,000. So the streets of Tampa will be pretty full for a few minutes as this throng trots by. We will have GPS chip timing devices on one of our shoes, so we won't be able to cheat, and we won't be penalized for starting back in the pack. Our time starts when we cross the start line and ends when we cross the finish line.
I will try to provide more details tomorrow.
May may your race be true to your calling from God!
Love, Steve
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